OIG 2016 Work Plan Highlights Areas of Fraud and Abuse Concern
Each year the Office of Inspector General puts out a work plan that indicates the priorities that it will look up at during the upcoming year. The OIG is an organization that was created to protect the integrity of the HHS program operations in the well-being of beneficiaries by detecting and preventing fraud, waste and abuse semicolon identifying opportunities to improve program economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
People who are responsible for compliance within healthcare organizations are usually quite attentive to the items that are identified in the workplan. Much of the annual workplan remains the same from year-to-year. However, each year the OIG emphasizes certain items that it will focus on during the upcoming year. This gives providers an indication of where to put their compliance efforts and provides one Avenue to assist providers in it the identification of potential risk areas that are applicable to their operations.
This blog will highlight certain aspects of the OIG 2016 workplan in a number of separate articles. Please keep tuned to areas that you may feel our events interest to your organization. If you have any further questions on any of these areas please don’t hesitate to contact your router were attorney.