Expressions of Interest Can Lead to Medicare Settlement for Eligible Appellants
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently announced that beginning February 5, 2018, it will begin accepting what it terms as “expressions of interest” for a limited settlement from providers who have fewer than 500 appeals pending at the Office of Medicare Hearing and Appeals and the Medicare Appeals Council. The option is made available to certain Medicare fee-for-service providers, physicians and suppliers. The new administrative settlement process will be to settle portions of pending appeals that involve $9,000 or less total billed amounts. The trade-off would be a timely partial payment of 62% of the net new amount that is approved by Medicare.
Providers and suppliers who meet qualifications can commence the process by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) using the process established by CMS.
Eligible appellants include Medicare Part A and Part B providers, physicians, and suppliers that have less than than 500 appeals pending. Some appellants are ineligible for participation in the program. Ineligible appellants include beneficiaries, enrollees, their family members, or estates. State Medicaid Agencies, Medicare Advantage Organizations (Medicare Part C), those that filed for bankruptcy or expect to file for bankruptcy, some appellants who may have had False Claims Act problems or other program integrity issues.
The details of the program and various forms and guidance are included on the CMS website. Medicare Low Volume Appeal Program
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Source: Health Law Blog